When designers design spaces, or places that will occupy (3) dimensions, it is essential that we communicate the ideas in a manner that the designer and the client can understand the ideas clearly so that there is clear feedback and the opportunity for better design. If our clients don’t understand the design, how can they be expected to agree to the direction and the concept, or even begin to help the design improve by their comments and added ideas?
There are three essential elements that are necessary to communicate (3) dimensional design.
An organizational diagram, (historically, this is the plan, the floor plan etc.). But this can be anything that communicates “where things are”. Many times a very simple diagram will suffice.
An image of what it will look like. This describes the character of the place or space. This can be an actual rendition of the design, or another visual image that will help the client visualize what the design may look like.
A model. Not a drawing of the space. No. That is the character image described above. (Too many architects and designers think that advancing computer rendering software will suffice when a rendering is produced). No. An actual 3D physical model. Something that shows scale and proportion in a way where the viewer can move around the object and begin to form very clear spatial understanding.
Once we understand what is being presented, then we can make it better.